European Suzuki Association - Teacher Training Manual (2022)

European Suzuki Association Teacher Training Manual Revised May 2022 Page 18 of 34 TEACHER TRAINING SYLLABUS 2013 LEVEL 3 Recommended minimum contact training hours = 100 hours Contact hours should include observation of children’s lessons to a maximum of 40 hours Module 3.1 SUZUKI™ Philosophy 3.1.1 Use the following references as a basis for study and discussion on Philosophy - 'The Man and his Philosophy’ (Chapters 14 & 15) by Evelyn Hermann ‘They're Rarely Too Young...’ by Kay Collier Slone 4.1.2 Discuss Dr. Suzuki’s approach to the use of practice with accompaniment tapes and extra repertoire recordings at home Module 3.2 SUZUKI™ Instrumental Performance 3.2.1 Individual and Group lessons on performance of the repertoire and applied technique 3.2.2 Continual Review of learned repertoire (including the previous Levels) Module 3.3 SUZUKI™ Pedagogy 3.3.1 Teaching Points of Level 3 3.3.2 Overview of the development through Level 3 repertoire 3.3.3 Discussion on Reading - when and how to introduce / suggested resources for developing reading skills Module 3.4 Parent Education 3.4.1 Preparing for Autonomy – Discuss the changing role of the parent in helping to establish this 3.4.2 Discuss methods for helping the child to begin to practice alone Module 3.5 Supervised Teaching with children 3.5.1 Individual lessons - also in Master Class format (Recommended minimum of 5) 3.5.2 Group lessons (Recommended minimum of 2) 3.5.3 Provide opportunities for the Teacher Trainer to observe students taught by the trainee – where possible, attendance at lessons is preferred to recordings. Module 3.6 Observation 3.6.1 Observation of at least 20 lessons, both Group and Individual Module 3.7 Journal and Assignments (Trainers to advise which are appropriate in each situation) 3.7.1 Add the Teaching Points for Level 3 to your Journal 3.7.2 Make an article or list of ideas on How to Practice effectively 3.7.3 Add further ideas on teaching Group and individual classes at this Level 3.7.4 Add information on points to consider in mixed Level classes 3.7.5 Write an evaluation about the development of your SUZUKI™ teaching and playing skills.