European Suzuki Association - Examinations Manual (2023)

European Suzuki Association Examinations Manual Revised May 2023 Page 16 of 23 EXAMINATION PIECES continued VOICE Teaching Points Examination Pieces Level 4 Level 4 song selection Shinichi Suzuki “Onegai” and own choice Jean Sibelius “Souda, souda sinisorsa” 2 folk songs or songs from different countries (from the "Songs for Sharing" list, own choice, not used in prior examination) 4 German lieder (one lied by Brahms, Schubert, Schumann and Wolf, not used in prior examination) 4 art songs (Spanish, English or French, 2 from the repertoire list and 2 of your own choice, not used in prior examination) 3 art songs from your own country (not used in prior examination) 1 Antique Aria (from the repertoire list, own choice, not used in prior examination) 1 Aria (own choice, not used in prior examination) Total: 17 songs in original languages Level 5 Level 5 song selection The recital must be sung from memory Examination Recital 60 minutes A clear written plan of the recital program must be sent beforehand to the exam board for approval Include details about each song - composer, original name of the song; the style of the song; length of each song. Include a major song cycle in the program Select art songs from three different styles (e.g. Renaissance, Baroque, Romantic, Modern) Order of program is the teacher’s own choice Full details of Teaching Points, written work and other requirements are available in the Voice Programme Syllabus, which can be obtained from the Voice Teacher Trainers or the ESA Website.